Raising Wise Children: Handing Down the Story of Wisdom

Raising Wise Children: Handing Down the Story of Wisdom
    Code: RAISI213
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    Shipping Weight: 0.46
    ISBN: 9780310669371
    Author: Mark Matlock
    Format: Paperback
    Publisher: Zondervan
    Size: 5¾ X 8¾
    Total Pages: 149
    Accelerated Reader: No
    List Price: $12.99
    Your Price: $4.95
    Savings: $8.04 (62%)

    Lead Your Children Into the Real World with a Real Faith

    Culture expert and verteran youth pastor Mark Matlock will help you develop the elusive quality of wisdom in your children. Wise children have the character, values, and mission that allow them to go out into the real world and live out a real faith.

    God has placed us here to interact with and represent him to the world by engaging with the culture—not retreating from it. Rather than trying to isolate your children, or draw lines that keep them from truly engaging in the world, God calls us to help and heal.

    You can't always be with your children, but you can help develop wisdom in their lives so that when they are alone, they have a deep well of wisdom to draw from.

    Raising Wise Children will show you how.