Trailblazers Christian Biographies - Pack of 13 Paperback

Trailblazers Christian Biographies - Pack of 13 Paperback
    Code: TRAIL203
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    Format: Paperback
    Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
    Series: Trailblazers
    Ages: 8 to 14
    Size: 4½ X 6¾
    List Price: $116.87
    Your Price: $70.12
    Savings: $46.75 (40%)

    Here are the stories of men and women that children should know about; men and women who are worthy of admiration and emulation.

    This beloved series of biographies for chidlren ages 8 to 14 is a great introduction to heroes of the faith. Learn about the exciting and challenging lives Christians throughout history have led for God. Each book includes timelines and Think Further sections.

    Titles include:

    Brother Andrew: Behind Enemy Lines

    As a young lad, Andrew van der Bijl, also known as Brother Andrew, was forever getting into mischief. He even risked his life during the Nazi occupation of Holland by setting off fireworks in the faces of German soldiers!

    Years later, God used this same thirst for danger and excitement as Andrew smuggled Bibles into Communist countries. Andrew's bravery helped the persecuted, underground church and brought light to darkened hearts.

    Enemy lines and hostile borders mean nothing to God or to Andrew, who still works to assist the persecuted church across the world through the organization he founded, Open Doors.

    C.S. Lewis: The Storyteller

    Adventures into another world, stories of mystery and wonder, these are what fascinated and excited Clive. He was just a boy but would sit for hours writing stories where animals came to life and lived and spoke just like human beings.

    This little boy grew up to become the world famous writer C. S. Lewis. However, throughout his life he preferred to be called Jack. The reasons for this peculiar change of name and other interesting facts and stories about C. S. Lewis are explained in this biography of one of the best-loved of modern authors.

    David Brainerd: A Love for the Lost

    Life on the American frontier in the early 1700s was very difficult—with the continual threat of disease, attack, and brutally cold winters. The English and Native Americans lived side by side, which often led to conflict. David Brainerd however was a compassionate and fearless missionary to the various Indian tribes in America. Riding on his horse across rivers, over mountains, and through towns, Brainerd carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, the hurting, and the broken.

    Eric Liddell: Finish the Race

    As a young child Eric Liddell lived in the exotic climate of China. His parents worked there as missionaries, teaching the good news of Jesus. Eric's life from then on brought him to boarding school in England, university in Edinburgh and the fame of Olympic Stardom in Paris. But with that fame came trouble as he struggled to stand up for his Christian faith.

    Eric's strong belief in keeping the Lord's Day as a day of worship was challenged when his 100 metres race was scheduled for a Sunday. Eric's strength of conviction and his subsequent win in the 400 metres have made him a hero and a role model for many young men and women. But his life was so much more than winning tapes and starters' orders—his whole life was a race for God.

    John Newton: A Slave Set Free

    John stood and watched as some of the largest waves he had ever seen threw themselves at the ship. Very little stood between the young slave ship captain and death—and he knew it. His panic and fear made him think only of himself and nothing for the hundreds of men, women, and children chained in the hold below. However, God still heard his prayers and the cries of the tortured humanity pleading for mercy and justice.

    The very man selling them into slavery would soon fight for their freedom. John Newton was one of the worst abusers of the African slave as he travelled the oceans to make money from their misery—but in the end his life was changed and so was theirs.

    Jonathan Edwards: America's Genius

    Jonathan Edwards was just an ordinary American boy but he was different too. The country he lived in wasn't the America of today—but a new world full of adventure and opportunity. Battles and Tomahawks were just some of the thrilling adventures that his family lived through.

    But Jonathan also loved the small things in life too. In an age of scientific discovery, Edwards saw God's beauty displayed most perfectly through nature. His journals are filled with drawings of plants, animals, and spiders because he knew that each one of them reflected the creativity of its Creator.

    His mind was full of questions and he grappled for the answers.

    Intellectually there were few to beat him. However it wasn't just his amazing intelligence that set him apart from other boys his age—he may have had a thirst for knowledge but he also had a strong desire for the things of God. His genius and abilities teamed up well with his faith and love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    One day the country that would become the United States of America would look back at this man of brilliance as a founding influence on their land.

    Michael Faraday: Spiritual Dynamo

    Every time you switch on a light, start up a computer or turn on a television, you do it because of discoveries related to the work of Michael Faraday. In a swimming pool you will be guarded from disease because of liquid chlorine in the water: this is because Michael Faraday first liquefied chlorine.

    Faraday built the very first electric motor and later the first generator and transformer of electricity. This was to change long distance communication across the earth leading to the ability to talk to astronauts far out in space.

    But Michael Faraday also suffered from a disorder known as dyslexia. This meant that he had difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols. Faraday however, overcame this problem to become one of the greatest public lecturers in history.

    Patricia St. John - The Story Behind the Stories

    Patricia St. John's life is a story in itself but she grew up to become one of the world's best-loved Christian writers for children.

    After almost being born in the middle of a storm on the Bay of Biscay it was no surprise to see Patricia's life take twists and turns along the way. She had an adventurous spirit, so when the bombs fell during the blitz in London there she was, working as a nurse!

    When looking after thirty children in a boarding school as housemother, her exciting bedtime stories were favorites among the children. They were later to become her classic stories, Tanglewood's Secret and Treasures of the Snow!

    Robert Moffat: Africa's Brave Heart

    Robert Moffat could think on his feet, and use his hands. He was strong, practical and just the sort of guy you needed to back you up when you were in difficulty. Not only that, he had courage—loads of it, and a longing to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of Africa.

    As Robert faced the dangers of drought, wild animals and even the daggers and spears of the people he had come to help, he used his unique collection of gifts and attributes to spread the gospel.

    Africa's brave heart blazed a trail into the unknown starting a work in that continent that continues today.

    Martin Luther: Reformation Fire

    Martin Luther, born in the year 1483, was the gifted eldest son of a miner. His parents scrimped and saved to give him everything they had never had: a brilliant education, a promising career, a future... yet their plans were not God's plans.

    As Martin was making his way back to university one day, a thunderstorm changed all that. The threat of lightning sent Martin into a panic—and into the monastery to be a monk.

    How did this change in the weather change the course of the world?

    How did it ignite a fire in one man's heart—and eventually reform the church from heresy to hope? Read the story of Martin Luther and you will find out.

    Ulrich Zwingli: Shepherd Warrior

    In a small Swiss village, nestled in the Alps, a young boy was born. The year of his birth was 1484. By the end of his brief life, Ulrich Zwingli would change the religious landscape of his home and the world.

    Even today he continues to influence countless souls through his life and work.

    Zwingli was passionate about the Bible. He was a man of prayer. His faith impacted every area of his life: family, art, music, politics, and warfare.


    Lilias Trotter: Daring in the Desert

    Those were the words Lilias Trotter heard from John Ruskins, one of the world's most established art critics. She had to make a choice between her talent and her calling. Both were gifts from God. In May 1879 Lilias knew what she should do. She didn't give up drawing and painting, not at all, but they weren't the most important things in her life from then on. Lilias knew that her life must be devoted to God's work.

    God's work for Lilias was in the desert land of Algeria. Palm trees and camels replaced lampposts and horse drawn carriages. The desert was her home, its people her friends and its Creator her reason for life.


    D.L. Moody: One Devoted Man

    Three words that sum up D.L. Moody's life are Passion, Vision, and Devotion–for God!

    He could easily share the gospel with 20,000 people on a hillside and then do the same thing the next day with just a few people in a church hall.

    D.L. Moody was fiery and fun! Watch out for how he used a pony to get children to church. One life devoted to God really can change the world.